Ken Lay Dies. Shocked Nation Enters Period of Deep Mourning (7-5-06)
Ken Lay has left this Earthly plane. The sixty-four year old son of a bitch died of a massive coronary shocking a world that was sure he possesed no heart.
The streets are full of mourners overcome with deep sadness, "I am truly stunned and saddened by this news," said Jim Meyer a 33 year old Baltimore comedian and SuperOceanLad guy summing up a common sentiment. "I feel that his passing has left a huge void in the world, a void that could only have been filled by seeing Ken Lay buggered to death in prison."
Meyer was heartened by the abiding faith that Lay has gone to a better place, well, a better place for him. "I am a person of deep personal faith. The one thing that gets me through moments like this is the knowledge that Lay is slowly roasting in hell, probably on the same spit as Hitler and Bob Irsay."